Ooooh Gavin really hates bath time! I hope he gets used to it and it gets better with time..... Hearing him scream and cry like that breaks our hearts! Daddy hugged and calmed him down afterwards. .
Well, I went in for my induction on Monday morning at 7am. I swear, the labor and delivery went so easily and well, I hope I get induced everytime!When they checked me I was at 3cm and already contracting on my own, so at 10am they started the Pitocin. By 11am my body took over and they turned the Pitocin off, I was doing it on my own. The doctor told me that once the pain got strong I had to get an epidural to keep my blood pressure as low as possible (I had Pregnancy Induced Hypertension). I was doing really well just breathing through the contractions but by 2pm I was at 5cm and was feeling a lot of pressure, so I asked for the epidural. The epidural was really not that bad, just a little uncomfortable. By 3pm I still felt a lot of pressure and pain in my crotch and lower abdomen and the anesthesiologist checked me and said that I unfortunately had "dead spots" areas where the epidural just couldn't reach. They checked me and I was at 7cm. They were surprised at how fast I was progressing.By 4pm I told them that the pressure was bad and I was ready to push. They didn't believe me and checked, I was at 9.5 and he was at 1 station. They hurriedly called the doctor and he was on his way. They told me not to push, so I really had to concentrate on my breathing to make sure he didn't come out! By the time the doctor got there I felt like I might be able to deliver him on my own, the pressure was so intense!So 2 pushes and an episiotomy later (little stinker had his arm wrapped around his head) Gavin Riley was born! I couldn't believe how easy the labor and delivery was, I expected so much worse. He came out beautiful and unscathed, even through the hard Pitocin induced labor.
Weight: 7 lbs 3 oz Height: 19.5 inches Date: January 29th, 2007 Time: 5:25 pm Apgar: 8, 9 He is doing well and breastfeeding all the time! We are so happy!
Hi, my name is Lauren and I am a stay at home mom to my two adorable kids. Gavin who is 4 years old, and Ellianna who just turned 1!
I used to teach science and English for LAUSD, and miss teaching. I wouldn't trade being home with my babies for anything.