Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Ellianna Rose Turner's Birth Story
Written from Mom's perspective: (Might be a little TMI)
We went into the hospital at midnight Thursday night. They put in the Cytotec and I tried unsuccessfully to get some sleep. At 6am they started the Pitocin slowly. The Pitocin contractions were pretty mild, like the ones I had throughout the month. At 8:30am my OB, Dr. Thein, showed up and checked me. I was only 1.5 cm dilated and she was up really high. Dr. Thein told me that it would be a long day and would most likely continue on into the night. We told him that was fine, no rush, so far the labor was only slightly uncomfortable and we wanted to take every precaution to insure a non surgical birth.
After the doctor left my nurse came in and asked if I wanted to be put on the waiting list for an epidural, there were a lot of scheduled c-sections and it would be a while before I would have another opportunity. I declined, my labor was more than tolerable and I didn't want to be confined to the bed and immobile. Ellianna was sunny side up, which means that she was facing posterior, and being able to labor in different positions would definitely be helpful. About ten minutes after the nurse left my contractions started to get really bad. Much worse than I remember them being with Gavin. I couldn't even breathe during them, I sent Mike out to the nurse to tell her I wanted on that epidural list pronto! By the time Mike got back I was moaning, writhing, and panting "help!". The pain was beyond unbearable.
Ten minutes later the anesthesiologist came in and was worried that he wouldn't be able to get the epidural in because I was moving so much. I told him I would force myself to stay still, I couldn't handle the pain much longer. The nurse wanted to check my progress before he did the epidural, but I told her to wait, I needed the drugs ASAP. It took him a long time to get the epidural in and it was very hard to breathe and hold still during the contractions, but I managed. After they got it in, the nurse went to check me while the anesthesiologist was going to put in the medicine.
She checked me and told me I was complete and turned me on my side and told me no matter what not to push. At this point my body wanted to push, and I couldn't really control it so they were holding my legs together. She ran out to call the doctor as my water broke and she was starting to crown. At this point the anesthesiologist told me that he wasn't going to put in the meds, there was no way it would be effective by the time I gave birth. When the nurse came back and saw that my water had broken and she was crowning she ran out into the hall again, but this time she grabbed an OB in his street clothes drinking his coffee.
By the time the OB had his gloves on I pushed once and out flew Ellie facing the right way! The baby nurse was wonderful and the minute she was born the nurse undid my gown and put her on my chest, skin to skin, and cleaned her there. The minute my baby was on my chest she latched right on to nurse. She spent her first hour of life on her mommy nursing and cuddling skin to skin. It was more than perfect.
10 minutes after Ellianna was born my OB came running in all frazzled looking. The minute he got the call he ran out of his office got in the car and realized he had a flat tire. He was able to pull into a gas station and asked a guy pumping gas to drop him off at the hospital. The guy dropped him off in front of the hospital and Dr. Thein ran in. How he managed to get from Dana Point to the hospital with a flat tire and hitchhiking in under 20 minutes is beyond me. He is truly an amazing man who really cares about his patients.
After Dr. Thein finished sewing me up (I guess forcing a baby out in one push can cause a bit of tearing) the baby nurse ushered everyone out so that way Mike, Ellie, and I could have some family time for a while. It was just so wonderful. After an hour or so they came back in to fully bathe her and do all of her check up stuff.
After half an hour of intense excruciating pain, I got the birth of my dreams. Pain meds free (I guess God had my best interests at heart even during my moment of weakness), short and quick, with a wonderful beginning to an attached relationship.
Ellianna Rose Turner
Born: January 8th, 2010
Time: 9:49 am
Weight: 7 lbs 7 oz
Height: 19.5 inches
Apgar: 9,9

Ellianna being cleaned on Mama's chest

Getting her first bath by the nurses

Getting weighed

With her daddy!

Gavin hasn't stopped smiling since the minute her first saw her :-)

Sleeping on daddy
We went into the hospital at midnight Thursday night. They put in the Cytotec and I tried unsuccessfully to get some sleep. At 6am they started the Pitocin slowly. The Pitocin contractions were pretty mild, like the ones I had throughout the month. At 8:30am my OB, Dr. Thein, showed up and checked me. I was only 1.5 cm dilated and she was up really high. Dr. Thein told me that it would be a long day and would most likely continue on into the night. We told him that was fine, no rush, so far the labor was only slightly uncomfortable and we wanted to take every precaution to insure a non surgical birth.
After the doctor left my nurse came in and asked if I wanted to be put on the waiting list for an epidural, there were a lot of scheduled c-sections and it would be a while before I would have another opportunity. I declined, my labor was more than tolerable and I didn't want to be confined to the bed and immobile. Ellianna was sunny side up, which means that she was facing posterior, and being able to labor in different positions would definitely be helpful. About ten minutes after the nurse left my contractions started to get really bad. Much worse than I remember them being with Gavin. I couldn't even breathe during them, I sent Mike out to the nurse to tell her I wanted on that epidural list pronto! By the time Mike got back I was moaning, writhing, and panting "help!". The pain was beyond unbearable.
Ten minutes later the anesthesiologist came in and was worried that he wouldn't be able to get the epidural in because I was moving so much. I told him I would force myself to stay still, I couldn't handle the pain much longer. The nurse wanted to check my progress before he did the epidural, but I told her to wait, I needed the drugs ASAP. It took him a long time to get the epidural in and it was very hard to breathe and hold still during the contractions, but I managed. After they got it in, the nurse went to check me while the anesthesiologist was going to put in the medicine.
She checked me and told me I was complete and turned me on my side and told me no matter what not to push. At this point my body wanted to push, and I couldn't really control it so they were holding my legs together. She ran out to call the doctor as my water broke and she was starting to crown. At this point the anesthesiologist told me that he wasn't going to put in the meds, there was no way it would be effective by the time I gave birth. When the nurse came back and saw that my water had broken and she was crowning she ran out into the hall again, but this time she grabbed an OB in his street clothes drinking his coffee.
By the time the OB had his gloves on I pushed once and out flew Ellie facing the right way! The baby nurse was wonderful and the minute she was born the nurse undid my gown and put her on my chest, skin to skin, and cleaned her there. The minute my baby was on my chest she latched right on to nurse. She spent her first hour of life on her mommy nursing and cuddling skin to skin. It was more than perfect.
10 minutes after Ellianna was born my OB came running in all frazzled looking. The minute he got the call he ran out of his office got in the car and realized he had a flat tire. He was able to pull into a gas station and asked a guy pumping gas to drop him off at the hospital. The guy dropped him off in front of the hospital and Dr. Thein ran in. How he managed to get from Dana Point to the hospital with a flat tire and hitchhiking in under 20 minutes is beyond me. He is truly an amazing man who really cares about his patients.
After Dr. Thein finished sewing me up (I guess forcing a baby out in one push can cause a bit of tearing) the baby nurse ushered everyone out so that way Mike, Ellie, and I could have some family time for a while. It was just so wonderful. After an hour or so they came back in to fully bathe her and do all of her check up stuff.
After half an hour of intense excruciating pain, I got the birth of my dreams. Pain meds free (I guess God had my best interests at heart even during my moment of weakness), short and quick, with a wonderful beginning to an attached relationship.
Ellianna Rose Turner
Born: January 8th, 2010
Time: 9:49 am
Weight: 7 lbs 7 oz
Height: 19.5 inches
Apgar: 9,9
Ellianna being cleaned on Mama's chest
Getting her first bath by the nurses
Getting weighed
With her daddy!
Gavin hasn't stopped smiling since the minute her first saw her :-)
Sleeping on daddy
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