Friday, January 18, 2008

First Haircut Was a Nightmare!!!

We decided to go to this kid's haircut place in the mall, a horrible, horrible mistake!! I told the girl to just trim his hair so it wasn't in his eyes and tickling his ears, that I wanted to keep his golden curls. When she told me that they use hair clippers for the baby's safety, I should have known that she was an amateur.



Ack! Now he looks like a marine and his birthday party is this coming weekend! I am so upset!


Lucille said...

Oh no! It isn't that bad - really. I can tell you are upset in the second photo - - oh my!

It will be OK, really it will. Makes for a great story someday.


Bonnie said...

Aww, it's really not bad!!! He's still gorgeous! It will grow back, Cheer up :D

Lucille said...

Hey - where have you been? Haven't posted in a MONTH? Fill us in girl!

Thanks for the comments on my blog - I know I'm late in replying but I had the sickness and the blues and a funk but now I'm all ME again. Hope you are OK!