Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Potty Time! (little tmi)

Blurb from Mama:

I know that technically you shouldn't even attempt to potty train a baby until they are around 2 years old....... but as I was walking through Target, I had an idea. Parenting books and friends told me to look for the following signs to know if your baby is ready to be potty trained:

-they hold it until they wake up in the morning (his diaper has always been dry when he wakes up) Check!

-they start to poop more regularly (he poops every day in the same spot, same time, same position)

-they let you know when they have a dirty diaper (he has done this ever since we tried cloth) Check!

-they show an interest in the toilet (for the past month he has tried to climb onto it)


When I was walking through the baby aisles at Target I saw the little potty seat that attaches to the toilet and thought, "hey, I don't expect anything.... maybe I will read to him there once a day to get him used to it, and if I see him doing his froggy squat on the tile I can race him over to it and save myself some cleaning time."

So that night I put him on the potty and read him a book and heard a tinkle tinkle! It was so adorable (only moms can understand the glorious noise). The next night I did it again and after the first book I heard a tinkle tinkle and cheered! As I was about to lift him off he started to grunt a little bit and we got a poopy in the potty too! The third night we got tinkles and poopy again as well!

Did I mention that he will only stay on the potty if he can hold onto Mommy's birthday balloon from Uncle Zach? Hahaha

Am I trying to potty train him right now? No, I am just getting him used to it and saving myself some cleaning time. I plan on putting him on there once a day for a while then adding more times per day, till eventually we are in full blown potty training mode. Will he be potty trained by 2 years? I am sure he will be way before then.


Anonymous said...

way to go gavin! he looks so cute on the potty! eli isn't showing any of those signs of readiness; we're probably in diapers for a while longer...

Sherri said...

Aww he looks like such a bog boy on the potty:)

Bonnie said...

Wow, that's great Gavin!!
I don't think you're starting too soon!! I indroduced the potty to Destiney when she was this age. I never made a huge issue about it...just let her try it out whenever she wanted. She was potty trained within a week when she was finally ready at 2 years old. Good Luck Gavin and mommy ;o)

Zachary Prince said...

haha i love that he has to have the balloon! are u gonna keep refilling it at the party store or something? its gonna be a sad day when it finally deflates!